Stadium Server v1.40 by Zlac | Sider Module | PES 2020 & PES 2021

Stadium Server v1.40 by Zlac

Stadium Server script for eFootball PES 2020 PC. With this script you can add several stadiums as you want at eFootball PES 2020 and eFootball PES 2021.  Sider 6 or Sider 7 is required to be installed.

Make sure you're using latest sider for PES 2020 or PES 2021.
- 6.4.0+ for PES 2020
- 7.1.0+ for PES 2021.

How to install

1. Install Sider 7 for PES 2021 or Sider 6 for PES 2020

2. Extract rar file with WinRAR

3. Copy folders content and modules where "sider.exe" file is located.

4. Add lua.module = "StadiumServer.lua" near the top of the Extension modules section in sider.ini (but still BELOW lua.module = "lib\CommonLib.lua" if you use CommonLib too)

5. Add lua.module = "WeatherConditions.lua" directly below stadium server entry (directly below lua.module = "StadiumServer.lua") in sider.ini

6. Customize map_teams.txt and map_competitions.txt files and add more stadium folders in content\stadium-server folder (NO STADIUMS are included together with the script)

7. Please, read carefully all the comments inside map_teams.txt and map_competitions.txt files! Always use leading zeroes when writing stadium ID's

Source: Evoweb